Zodiac discrimination – El Sol de México

Twitter: @Mik3_Sosa

Zodiac discrimination is a trend that has gained strength in recent years within the areas of human resources. It refers to judging a person’s potential for a job based on their zodiac sign.

Although the horoscope and astrology are topics generally relegated to entertainment, some are beginning to use them as selection criteria. They believe that certain signs will be more productive, collaborative, or stable than others.

This raises serious ethical problems. Someone’s personality and aptitudes should not be prejudged by their date of birth, a random factor beyond their control. Furthermore, there is no scientific evidence to support the predictive validity of the horoscope.

Some companies go so far as to directly exclude from their selection processes those born under certain signs that they consider “problematic.” This violates the right to non-discrimination.

It has also been observed that certain “preferred” signs are more likely to access leadership positions or promotion opportunities. This affects merit and generates inequalities in the development possibilities of those with a less favored sign.

Although it is true that unconscious biases will always be present, efforts must be made to reduce them using objective and justifiable criteria. Astrology as a selection variable completely lacks rigor.

The issue has sparked ethical debates in business communities. It is questioned whether it is conscious to allow decisions as important as hiring personnel to depend on beliefs without scientific basis.

It is difficult to predict the long-term impact if this trend continues to grow. It could mean that entire segments of qualified talent are left out of opportunities by a random factor. This would reduce, among other things, the diversity necessary for innovation.

Although there is no way to regulate unconscious biases, it is at least possible to prevent them from expressly filtering into key processes such as personnel evaluation and selection. The productivity and justice of an organization are compromised when these types of criteria are used.

In conclusion, zodiacal discrimination poses challenges to meritocracy and the standards of objectivity that must prevail when hiring human talent. Although biases are difficult to completely eradicate, it is at least possible and necessary not to let them be infiltrated by frivolous criteria such as the horoscope.

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