Recently, the actor and artist Cha Eunwoo has gone viral on social media for a matter that has caused a stir, as it is being said, according to fans, that He bears a resemblance to a renowned Indian actorAlthough the Idol almost always attracts attention for his appearance and beauty, this time he did it again, but because, apparently, he has a double from another country.
It all happened after an account in Xpreviously on Twitter, shared a video in which, according to the title: ‘South Asian Cha Eunwoo appears in the background‘, the funny thing is that it was sarcasm, because in reality it wasn’t him, but an actor who looks like Cha Eunwoo.
The man actually is Shashank Vyas 37-year-old, who has gained a lot of range after acting in ‘Balika Vadhu’, an Indian television series. While the resemblance is much more as the actor has no facial hair, fans with comments like: ‘She (the one who posted) is right‘ either ‘Why do they look the same? Help!‘, they make it clear that for them they are similar.
south asian eunwoo in the back
— nour 𐙚 (@deertodear) August 28, 2024