Gerard Piqué ‘regrets’ and ‘asks for forgiveness’ from Shakira and his little children

Gerard Piqué ‘regrets’ and ‘asks for forgiveness’ from Shakira and his little children

A fact that has shocked all the singer’s fans. Shakira is that recently Gerard Piqué Finally he ‘asked for forgiveness’ for all the acts he committed during the year 2022 towards her and her two small children.

A video is circulating on social networks in which the former soccer player appears. Barcelona mentioned that ‘his relationship ended’ with the Catalan Clara Chiaand expressed to the interpreter of ‘Monotony‘ some heartfelt words

After the media separation between Gerard Piqué and Shakira occurred, and the reasons for the breakup were known, which was, according to what is known, an infidelity, many Internet users expected Piqué to make a public apology on the subject. This recently occurred through the use of the Yoartificial intelligence and some people who managed to finally give the blessed forgiveness, although for now It wasn’t real.

In the video Gerard expresses: ‘QHey friends, today I am here because after reflecting for a long time I have realized the mistake I made. I should never have done what I did to her or failed in my relationship with Shakira and my children. My relationship with every girl is over and I really want to tell you Shack, sorry‘, but after this it ends with a slightly indecent proposal towards the Colombian: ‘You I love Shakira, you are the love of my life and now I want to ask you to marry me Please forgive me‘.

Many users on social networks believe that this video will one day be be real while others claim that due to personality a little arrogant and pedantic of the businessman this will never happen.

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