King Charles III allows his brother accused of child abuse to stay at his castle in Windsor

King Charles III allows his brother accused of child abuse to stay at his castle in Windsor

The controversial King Charles III of the United Kingdom It continues to give a lot of talk around the world. Since before his coronation the opinions of his mandate have been very dispersed, but what he has now done has been massively questioned by public opinion. And he has finally let his brother, the Prince Andrew and who is accused of child abuse, stays in his luxurious castle in Windsor.

According to what was reported by the british pressand after a long dispute to stay there, Prince Andrew has finally convinced King Charles to remain in force in the Royal Lodgea castle located in the Windsor Great Parkvery close to Windsor Castle where the monarch lives.

Public opinion views this measure taken by the King very badly, since his brother has a very dark reputation after the controversial accusations against him that claimed to have abused a minor. Furthermore, all this, linked to the case of the pedophile network of Jeffrey Epsteinwho was one of his best friends.

In the year e2015, Virginia Giuffrevictim of millionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, accused the Duke of York and youngest son of Queen isabel II, of having sexually abused her when she was only 17 years old.

And although Andrés and Giuffe reached an out-of-court agreement to settle the lawsuit in February 2022, the prince was stripped of all his military titles and royal duties by his mother in 2019.

Although he King Charles III had the intention of removing his brother from the luxurious Royal Lodge, it seems that he has finally given in to his wishes and has decided to let him live there, so it is very possible that he will continue to see the Prince Andrew actively within royalty.

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