A couple of hours ago, the renowned idol of NCT, Haechan, shared a message on social media for all his fans On August 31, 2024, the artist, who is not normally used to taking this type of action, sent a long and emotional message, this being the first time he addresses his followers after the sexual crimes scandal of the now ex-member of his group, Taeil.
The idol wrote this statement during his flight to Colombia for the Latin American tour of NCT Dreamwhich says:
Haechan has arrived in Bogota! I’ve had a lot of thoughts running through my head all day during my trip, so I thought I’d tell you some of them while eating whatever they gave me on the plane.
Can’t believe that this is our 8th anniversary? To be honest, I got into this job because of the love I have for singing and dancing, but I realized that there are many more things that are more important and that I need to take into account, besides what I like. Of course, I’m still learning, but what I’ve learned the most is that we always have to work hard to not be fooled. What I do is not something I created, just because I’m great, but if my fellow members hadn’t been by my side, would I have been able to get this far?
Sometimes when I see my bandmates in front of a huge crowd of fans during shows, I feel a little weird inside. These people that I love and also depend on while joking and playing around with them, are really cool people and they are loved by so many. It’s amazing how much we’ve been through in these eight years, we released so many albums that I can’t even count, but I’m grateful for every step we take, we’ve worked so hard.