Nicolas Cage condemns the use of artificial intelligence

Nicolas Cage He is undoubtedly one of the most famous actors that currently exists within the industry. hollywoodand like many others have done, the interpreter of ‘Ghost Rider‘has made it clear that he is totally against the use of artificial intelligence, in cinema and in general.

In a recent interview with Yahoo! EntertainmentNicolas Cage was talking about how he managed to get into the latest DC movie ‘The Flash’, who with a short cameo managed to delight hundreds of thousands of fans of the 90s, let’s remember that Tim Burton attempted to create a feature-length Superman film with Nicolas Cage as Clark Kent, which, to the misfortune of many, was never made. In this interview, the actor touched on the topic of the use of AI in Hollywood productions, where he took the opportunity to fully condemn it.

«It’s a nightmare. There is nothing more inhuman than artificial intelligence» declared the actor, then gave a brief explanation of his cameo in the film ‘The Flash‘, where he wanted to clarify that his scene was not made by means of an AI, «I went to see the film, and there I was, having a run-in with a giant spider. I didn’t do that, you know? I never recorded such a thing. But I don’t think they created it with an AI either, I know Tim, he is very upset with this technology, as am I. So it was definitely CGI, they rejuvenated me and made me fight a spider. I don’t know what really happened there.»

With this the artist made his opinion on artificial intelligence more than clear and from what he said we can affirm that totally condemns its use within the film industry.

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