Prince Harry’s book to be released in paperback, but with a surprising decision

A well-known media has stated that the famous book of Prince Harrywhere many of the stories he experienced in the British royal family were revealed, It will be released in paperback and will feature a surprising decision that he had wanted to take for a specific reason.

Spare‘ has been one of the most popular books on the market since Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle They decided to resign from their royal duties, as it detailed several events that occurred in the privacy of the royal family and that were intriguing and unknown to many.

And given the boom it would have had, currently the publisher Penguin Random House has announced that these memoirs will be published, but in a pocket edition; however, with the important decision not to include no modification as any other paperback book usually does, and this apparently to make clear the step that Prince Harry would like to take towards reconciliation with his family.

The book, it is announced, will be published on October 22 in the United States and the October 24th in the United Kingdom, among other cities that will be announced later, and it is specified that this edition will be published in a total of 16 languages ​​​​for the whole world.

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