In a new book on the Princess Dianatitled: ‘It’s All About the Hair: My Decade with Diana’, written by Renae Plant, a friend of the Duchess’s former hairdresser, Richard Dalton, have been revealed details about the ‘naughty humor‘ that she hadand that perhaps very few people were able to know.
Part of the story that the man tells is that he was able to experience all these events after seeing her every day for more than a decade, which is why he was able to learn about her deep secrets and insecurities, in addition to that ‘amazing and wicked sense of humor‘ and his hilarious jokes that he constantly made.
As part of her anecdotes that are now in the book, it was recorded that Princess Diana: ‘She always carried plastic vomit or plastic dog poop, i.e. toys, in her bag to put on people’s seats when we traveled on long flights.‘. In addition to being a woman very focused on contributing to society, ‘Princess Diana was hilarious and loved to play pranks on us all‘, says Dalton.
And it is that the remembered Lady Di Not only was she beautiful, an activist, a philanthropist, and an excellent mother, but she also had a sense of humor that was undoubtedly contagious to everyone, which is surely why, to this day, 27 years after her death, many people have not been able to forget what they experienced with her.