Shakira pushes an older woman and receives all kinds of criticism

Shakira pushes an older woman and receives all kinds of criticism

The name of Shakira He has been in the public eye for more than a year, due to his controversial separation with the former Spanish footballer Gerard Piqué and also because of his legal problem with the Spanish treasury. However, the reason you are now getting harsh criticsit is because there is “pushed” to an older woman who was apparently a fanatic.

Through the social networksa video where you can see how Shakira pushes an older woman who wanted to greet her, a situation that has generated all kinds of comments on the internet.

Although the recording has an unknown date of origin, in it it is possible to verify how the interpreter of ‘Waka Waka’ He pushes aside a lady who was recording while waiting to take a photo with her. However, it seems that the Colombian was not in a very good mood and he proceeded to grab her by the arm and push her.

The comments They are divided. However, what is seen in the video is quite clear: the artist grabs the woman to push her to one side of her. Despite this, his faithful fans They have come out to defend her over food as they always do and they will not let this controversy affect their image.

How Shakira pushes woman

The last months of Shakira They have been filled with a lot of work. Thanks to all the noise left by his painful separation with Gerard Piquéthe public once again paid great attention to his musica situation that has allowed him to achieve several hits with millions of views.

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