The 6 most watched Christmas movies in the United States this week

For these Christmas dates, the new and classic christmas movies They never go out of style, and both streaming platforms and television channels are in charge of promoting this type of entertainment for all people, and to make people’s work easier, media such as Samba TV They analyze audiences and create lists of the most viewed films in the United States, in order to give a hand to their entire audience.

Below we will present six of these Christmas movies that have become fashionable in the North American country:


This comical film starring Will Ferrell, is about a baby who is abandoned in Santa’s gift bag, who adopts him and raises him at the North Pole, making him believe that he is one of the elves who will help him make toys for the children of the world. However, as an adult, he heads to New York City in search of his father, where he will have new and crazy adventures.

Home alone

A charming 8-year-old boy who does not feel well with his family is abandoned in his own home on Christmas Eve, when his entire family goes on a trip and forgets about him. But far from being scared, the little boy seems to enjoy it, because he has the house to himself and can do whatever he wants, however, his fun will be interrupted when some thieves try to break into the house. steal your houseand the young man with his great ingenuity will try to protect her at all costs.

Four Christmases

The beautiful love between the protagonists Chloe and evan It seems to be coming to an end when the boy must move to another country for work reasons. And for the next three Christmases this couple will always have a reason to stay apart, however, on the fourth Christmas it seems they will be lucky enough to be together again.

A Christmas Story

In this comical film a little boy named Ralphie He asks his parents for an air rifle as a Christmas gift, something that of course his parents do not agree with, so this little boy will try to persuade them at all costs to get what he wants.

The polar Express

On Christmas Day, a child dreams of hearing the tinkling of the sleigh bells. Santa ClausAt 5 minutes past midnight, the little young man is surprised by a loud noise, it being a train that had stopped in front of his house to take him on a trip to the North Pole.

Santa Claus

To the protagonist of this story, Scott Calvin He is not amused that his ex-partner and her new husband try to convince his son Charlie that Santa Claus does not exist. In the middle of Christmas night, the protagonist discovers a strange person on a roof, by helping him he makes him fall and when he hits the ground he disappears.

A little surprised by what happened, Scott finds some instructions that tell him that he must dress up in a red suit, putting it on, he is sent around the entire city where he resides to give gifts to the children and then he is sent to the North Polewhere he realizes that he has become Santa Claus himself.

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