The actor Christopher Nolan considered to be ‘Batman’ instead of Christian Bale

The actor Christopher Nolan considered to be ‘Batman’ instead of Christian Bale

It is clear that Christopher Nolan He is one of the best directors currently, because with his films Superheros and various topics he has managed to enter the list of the most famous filmmakers in the world.

Furthermore, it is true that as a director he always chooses the perfect actor to play the characters in a film; However, for the trilogy of ‘batman‘The director claimed that he had considered another actor instead of Christian bale.

As we well know, the director’s films can be adapted to various performers, since the character is always very well written and planned. However, in order for viewers to feel very familiar, they choose to choose an actor who has made several films in the same category. This being the case of the actor Christian Bale who played ‘The dark knight‘ in Christopher Nolan’s trilogy, and although his performance was excellent, the director considered to another incredible actor for said role.

It’s about the actor Jake Gyllenhaal. This was confirmed by the co-writer David Goyer in a podcast in which he expressed that he and Nolan had ‘defended’ Gyllenhaal after doing a screen test placing him above Bale himself.

The presenter even asked him about the possibility that there were unpublished images of the actor in a suit batand with some admiration the writer said: «I think so, there may be, yeah, I mean Gyllenhaal is amazing Cristian Bale is amazing so who knows«.

The truth is that although the actor 42 years His sister has not yet been chosen to play the role of Batman, Maggie Gyllenhaalwas chosen by Nolan to replace Katie Holmes in ‘The Dark Knight’.

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