The actor from the classic ‘Hercules’ attacks Timothée Chalamet

The actor from the classic ‘Hercules’ attacks Timothée Chalamet

Recently, it has been reported the statements of Kevin Sorbothe legendary actor who gave life to the 90’s classicHercules‘, who has condemned the ‘fragile masculinity‘ as toxic and also revealed that it was overshadowed by hollywood due to his conservative and religious beliefs.

Kevin Sorbo has decided to speak after several years, where he even attacked the famous protagonist of ‘DuneTimothée Chalamet, where he pointed out that he was one of the main culprits, along with Hollywood, of killing masculinity within the industry. Sorbo’s presence in films began to decrease since he began to share his ideas about what is destroying masculinity, accusing the film industry of this event.

He even crossed out culture feminist of being the main cause that masculinity is being marginalized and excluded from these performing arts. The actor went to Fox News to give a couple of statements about what is affecting the film industry. Internet users, on the other hand, agreed with some of Kevin’s beliefs, highlighting the latest films from the cinema giants, assuring that it was due to the forced inclusionwhich were not having much success, since they modified the original plots.

«¿Hollywood is afraid of good men? Not necessarily big, burly men with impressive physiques, of which there are many on the big screen. I mean good men. Admirable men. Men we would want our sons to model after and whom we would love our daughters to date.

The actual society misunderstands masculinity. On the one hand, we love to normalize androgynous, Billy Porter-type men who wear flowing skirts and dresses. Timothée Chalamet, for example, who often wears clothes that, well… let’s just say your grandfather would never have dressed like Chalamet.«, referring to how the Dune actor went to the red carpetBones And All‘ in Italy on September 2 of last year.

What do you think of everything the actor has said? Do you think the film industry has been strongly affected by the ‘feminism’ that Kevin Sorbo comments on?

Tell us in the comments.

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