The film that brought together Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves and Jason Momoa and that you can watch on Netflix

Netflix It remains one of the streaming platforms par excellence in terms of multimedia entertainment, and it has an incredible amount of varied content in its catalogs. However, it has also been compiling several productions that, although they have not been so popular, have delighted the audience, either because of their strange but intriguing plot, or because of their selection of actors.

And on this occasion, we will recommend a film that has both characteristics, it is rare, and it has a first-rate cast, it is ‘The Bad Batch‘, premiered in 2016 and although it is not usually so common, its dystopian plot managed to bring together three great figures of cinema, Jim Carrey, Keanu Reeves already Jason Momoathree actors who are known primarily for their comedy, action-packed, and superhero roles.

However, this time around, the trio of celebrities undergo a rather shocking change in their scripts, as in The Bad Batch, they play totally psychedelic and somewhat sickly characters. Jim Carrey takes on the role of a mute hermit, Keanu Reeves, as the leader of a hedonistic society, and Jason Momoa plays a crazy bodybuilder who loves human flesh.

The story tells the unfortunate adventure of Arlen (Suki Waterhouse), a woman who is kidnapped by a cannibal tribe that lives in the most inhospitable corners of Texas, so in this place, the law is non-existent, being the perfect place for all kinds of psychopaths, cannibals and others unworthy of belonging to a society to reside happily. The film is available to watch on Netflix, and below you can see its trailer:

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