For several months now, all the attention of the film world has been focused on ‘The Marvels‘, one of the new adventures carried out by the MCU (Marvel Cinematographic Universe), and that despite being from this wonderful franchise, that was not an impediment for this installment to have one of the worst records to date.
According to the medium deadlinefilm experts were of the opinion that ‘The Marvels‘ will gross between 47 and 55 million dollars during its first weekend in the United States box officelast Friday being one of the best on the big screen, adding between 21 and 22 million dollars.
If this happens in this way, everything would indicate that this installment made by the Marvel franchise would be one of the most negative to date, since even they themselves expected that in its first weekend they would raise at least 80 million dollarsbut so far they do not have even half of that money, which is something very worrying, since they have had to invest at least 220 million dollars to be able to create this delivery, and add another 100 million in marketing and advertising around the world.
How do you feel about this news?