The new Netflix thriller that won’t let you calm down from anxiety

The new Netflix thriller that won’t let you calm down from anxiety

Netflix is very well known for the quality of the productions that it includes in its catalog, and this new film will not be an exception, a production that promises to provide suspense pure and simple, news that will undoubtedly cause expectation in all lovers of this genre, and the best of all is that it is already just 1 day away from its premiere on the platform.

Is about ‘Nowhere‘a film of Spanish origin that will most likely not let you enjoy your quiet nights, and its plot not only takes place in an environment of suspense and darkness, but it is also quite scary Just imagining what could happen to you.

‘Nowehere’ tells the unfortunate story of Minea pregnant woman who, in her attempt to escape the laws of a completely totalitarian country, ends up in a life or death situation, where she is forced to separate from her husband to fight for her life when she is trapped in a dark and cold maritime container, which due to the strong waves is thrown overboard, reducing her odds to survive in the middle of the vast sea.

Just reading its synopsis causes anxiety, now imagine if this were to happen to you or one of your family members, the film definitely promises to be quite intriguingand can be seen on the popular streaming platform starting on September 28 of this year. Below you can see the trailer that has already managed to convince thousands of users.

NOWHERE |  Official trailer |  Netflix Spain

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