The shocking confession that Prince Harry has made about the death of his mother, Princess Diana

He prince harry and the prince williamchildren of the late Princess Diana, have undoubtedly been the two people who have suffered the most with the death of their mother in 1997, and although they have not referred very openly to this event, the king’s youngest son Charles III in his memoir ‘Spare’ referred to this fact as an act that continues to weigh on him to this day.

In the book ‘Spare‘The prince reveals when he returned to Paris and made a special request to his driver to feel a little about what his mother suffered before she died.

Prince Harry passed through the ‘Bridge of the Soul’, the place where the remembered princess died, in order to remember and symbolically face the pain that has marked him throughout his life. There he asked his driver to drive at the same speed as his mother was going, about 104km per hour, to be able to feel what Princess Diana may have experienced before she died.

He states in the book that the only strange thing he felt was a pothole at the entrance to the tunnel, which would have been believed to have caused the accident, but otherwise nothing was very significant on the road. But without a doubt this helped him carry out his grieving process with more peace. Although it was the little he said in the work, in the middle of an interview he related that He had only cried for his mother once.attributing the fact of his ‘little expression of feelings’ to the strict education he received in the monarchy.

His words become facts that people were unaware of, and that allow us to see how the princes have lived, this unfortunate event that occurred more than 27 years.

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