These are the foods that King Charles III prohibits at Buckingham Palace

These are the foods that King Charles III prohibits at Buckingham Palace

Being the king of the United Kingdom, one would believe that the king Charles III he would have all kinds of food at his disposal at Buckingham Palace; However, the reality is a little different, as certain foods are prohibited from your table from now on.

Recently, it was confirmed that the king’s palate is very demanding, this was reflected at the dinner at the Palace of Versailles when the British monarch banned a meal that now cannot be served in any British royal residence, it is the fatty foie.

With the ban of this dish, the British monarch confirmed his commitment to the preservation of the environment and his opposition to its consumption due to the animal suffering involved in its preparation. King Charles III also eliminated the asparagusalthough they were the main ingredient in many dishes, since he is opposed to consuming products that are artificially produced or that are not grown nearby, and as is known, these months are not their optimal growing season.

Furthermore, it has also been stated that the Queen isabel II He did not approve of there being potatoes, pasta and rice in the Palace, a custom that his son Carlos has maintained since the day of his death, just as he cannot stand coffee and chocolate.

On the other hand, there is a specific food that the deceased queen He hated, and currently his son does too, garlic, and this was due to its strong smell and flavor. Others that should be served in few portions are onion and paprika to ensure good digestion of the monarchs.

Finally, royals are prohibited from eating seafood outside the palace, and this is what the butler expressed Grant Harold to the magazine Woman & Home: “we do not want any member of the royal family to suffer serious poisoning during any event or visit abroad”.

And you,What do you think of these restrictions??,King Charles will be very demanding?

How do you feel about this news?

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