This is the series created by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg that is being a success on Netflix

This is the series created by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg that is being a success on Netflix

Lately, Netflix has been incorporating series and movies that, far from being new, are very much liked by the users of the platform, which shows once again that the best is not always the most recent, now a miniseries created by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberghas been a success within the most popular streaming platform, becoming a trend in several countries around the world.

Is about ‘Blood Brothers‘, a production war which is based on real events about the Second World War, telling the terrible days that a company of American soldiers fresh from training camp had to face while they entered enemy territory in the bowels of Europe, with little or no experience in the field battle, the squad must confront the solid German army.

Production is considered a miniseries and has 10 chapters, and each of them has a intriguing and anxious development, the series premiered on September 9, 2001, a couple of days before the great catastrophe that the United States experienced with the twin towers. It has quite a talented cast such as, Damian Lewis, Ron Livingston, Scott Grimes, Colin Hanks, Rick Gomez among others.

And not for nothing is it being a resounding success both in views and positive reviews, the production was nominated and won the Emmy for Best Miniseries, and was illustrated in the ‘Easy Company of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment‘ of the US Army, and was based on the historian’s book Stephen E. Ambrose.

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