This would be the true face of Jesus according to Artificial Intelligence

The true face of Jesus It has always been a topic that has caused enormous discussion among public opinion, since there are various reports that assure that perhaps the image that history has sold us may not be correct in terms of the true facial characteristics that there may be. had. And now, thanks to the Intelligence Artificialwhat could be his true face has been recreated.

Through the platform TikTok h under the name of The I.A. Drawinga user has recreated what Jesus would really look like, using the tool of Artificial Intelligence.

The image is a result that directly reflects the other characteristics that were meticulously described by historians consulted by the chain BBCwho show a man with dark skin instead of white, brown eyes instead of blue, strong features, and long hair.

Throughout the history, it has not been possible to detail what Jesus would have really looked like, since the gospels do not describe him physically, they do not say if he was tall or short, handsome or strong. The only thing they say is that “his approximate age is about 30 years,” said the New Zealand historian. Joan AND. Taylorauthor of the new book What Did Jesus Look Like? and professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at King’s College London, United Kingdomfor the string cited above.

And you, do you think this is how it could have looked? Jesus just as described Intelligence Artificial?

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