With only 4 chapters it has become one of the best Netflix series

Netflix It is one of the platforms that can offer the most content to its users, from extensive productions to the shortest miniseries, and this time we will talk to you about one in particular that has managed to become one of the best on the platform and that you cannot leave pass.

What if we told you that Netflix is ​​the owner of one of the shortest miniseries that currently exists? And that it is also based on real events? Believe it or not, it is about ‘Madam CJ Walker: A self-made woman‘, and not only is it managing to add a large number of views globally, but it is also being strongly acclaimed by critics, making it one of the best miniseries that you can see on the streaming platform.

The American production is based on the biography On Her Own Ground by A’Lelia Bundles, and premiered on the Netflix platform on March 20, 2020. It tells the story of a humble laundress of African-American descent, who by her own means and her ingenuity ends up ruling an empire of beauty products, turning herself into a millionaire person. A synopsis that definitely attracts attention, and who wouldn’t be interested in knowing how she managed to achieve it.

The plot has a duration of less than 4 hours, that’s right, with only 4 chapters and 50 minutes for each of them, the miniseries is one of the shortest that can be seen on the platform, but don’t let that fool you, since despite being really brief, it has managed complement and correctly summarize a real-life story.

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