Naughty Dog confirmed discouraging news for all The Last Of Us fans

Naughty Dog confirmed discouraging news for all The Last Of Us fans

The tenth anniversary of the original release of ‘The Last Of Us‘, which, without a doubt, has shocked the hundreds of thousands of fans who are eager to know new news about the video game and of course the series starring Peter Pascalbut the company’s latest reports have brought nothing but discouragement to users.

This Tuesday, September 26, the event that commemorates the tenth anniversary of the franchise and the community whole of ‘The Last Of Us’, so fans are waiting for new news to be announced about the possible sequel to the series that was a huge success in HBO Max. But to everyone’s bad luck, the same company confirmed through the social network x that nothing was mentioned at the evening about the adaptation of the work, making it clear that it would focus on marketing, art and a little more.

The fans did not wait to show their disagreement about this decision, so their concerns and unknowns They began to flood the publication of Naughty Dog. «This is very disappointing, I’m a big fan of TLOUand that they are not going to announce anything regarding the video game or the series is really a disappointment«, «There will be no news about the series… I’m crying», «How is it possible! Is it their tenth anniversary and they won’t give information about the series or the video game? Some users exclaimed.

The success generated by live action of ‘The Last Of Us’ has left an interest in following the adventures of joel and elliebut unfortunately the entire community will have to continue waiting to find out more about the second part of the audiovisual production of the video game.

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