Alex Fernández celebrates 10 years in standup – El Sol de México

He standupero and writer Alex Fernández He still remembers the first time he went on stage to make people laugh: He had left the office and, still with his work badge hanging from his waist, he went to the Woko Comedy Club, where he stood in front of the microphone with a text that, in his opinion, “wasn’t funny at all.” The audience wasn’t the best in the world either, two drunks and 13 comedians in search of the same, laughter. However, there he discovered that comedy was his only thing.

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Almost 10 years have passed since that moment and the comedianwith all the recognition gained after several projects and even a presentation at the National Auditoriumcelebrates his effervescent career, with his new showwhich will premiere in the Metropolitan TheaterDecember 12th.


“I never dimensioned anything of what is happening, I just wanted to get on stage, have fun and entertain a certain audience. “Eventually this thing grew and became what it is, thanks mainly to the public who wants to be entertained by what I say and how I think,” he said. Alex Fernandezin a press conference, about the response to his work.

He comedian explained that the idea of ​​this show will be a “love letter to stand up in Mexico”, for which he will have special guests. He will present part of his work shows previous, but also current, as well as new, all revisited and “combed” again.

“I think it is an important celebration for me, we are a union that has been becoming professional little by little. So, it occurred to me to have a party, a loquerón to be able to celebrate these 10 years,” said the comedian.


During the conferenceAlex reflected on the role of comedy in the world of dramatic expressions and referred to the French writer and philosopher Albert Camus. “He says that the comedian is the performer of the now, because he is someone who does not work on a legacy, he works in the present. I believe that the comedians “That’s what we dedicate ourselves to, working in the now and with the social context in which we live.”

With this idea of ​​the futility of comedy and the word, in an interview with The Sun of Mexico, added: “I think we have to be clear about who says and what they say on stage, because clearly if something is understood as absurd, it is absurd. I think it has to do with how the comedian presents it. In my case, words are very important, and I believe that the comedian lives in the present and feeds on the photography that is society.”

Alex sees himself as part of a second generation of standuperoswho have finished changing the mexican humorwhich was very limited by the power of the television. From that moment, he says that, although everyone had their good moments, there were some that stood out for being different, like Hector Suarezwho was not only entertainment, but also someone with a message.

“Now we have evolved into a very interesting variety. I don’t remember any other point in the history of the comedy in Mexico in which we have cabaret, comedians, characters, stand up, dredge shows, a very varied ecosystem. And if you zoom in on each one, you will have people like Carlos Ballarta, who delivers a very well thought out text, with strong comments on difficult topics, or Franco Escamilla, who has been more transitional. Today there is everything and for everyone, but I believe that the Internet has been the important platform for this to happen.”

These changes, he considers, have also changed the way we Mexicans laugh, as well as the topics. “Before it was more of a lot of mischief, but now there is a very interesting social component. For example, now I see that there is a whole expression of the different social classes that ‘fight among themselves’, people who mock each other between the left and the right. It is a battle that is more violent than funny, but we didn’t have those things. I point out that they are dynamics that have to do with the apparatus of social networks and how they are made to clash ideologies, but definitely before the message of the comedians “It was much flatter,” he adds.

Alex has built his comedy with several of his tastes, including literary ones, such as writer Jorge Ibargüengoitia; in addition to being a media producer, marked by both North American and Mexican influence, such as the episodes of The Simpsons and South Park; in addition to other iconic characters of the mexican television, like Andrés Bustamante, whom he admires, respects and sees as an example; although he also admits, that of course there is something of the Rush hour among his influences.

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After having participated in projects such as Stanparados, in which he participated with Adal Ramones and Adrián Uribeand LOL: Last One Laughingpresented by Eugenio Derbez, Alex comments that in reality each of his projects and the relationships that have emanated from them have been great lessons.

“One sees a person who has media authority as unattainable and assumes that they are good on their own; but when working with them, as is the case with Adal, you see that he has experience and that he brings with him a very large box of tools, to make a good text with a small text. monologue. So I’m always seeing what I learn from them,” concludes the comedianwho hopes to bring his humor to many more formats in the future, such as series, movies, books and even comics.

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