Armed confrontation in La Concordia – El Sol de México

La Concordia, Chiapas.- A confrontation between members of the security corporations and armed civilians left three people dead, one agent of the Secretariat of Public Security and Citizen Protection (SSPyPC) injured and three vehicles insured.

The State Attorney General’s Office (FGE) through the Fraylesca District Prosecutor’s Office, announced that they began the respective investigations into said event.

The incident occurred late at night this Friday, on the road that connects the municipality of La Concordia with Jaltenango, near the town “The Tigrilla” where, according to sources close to the security corporations, it was an attack prepared by armed civilians against members of the Mexican Army and the State Police, who they performed an operation in the area.

The attack would have lasted a few minutes, during which the security elements were able to repel the attacks. In these actions, an agent was attended to in the area and transferred urgently to a medical instance, since presented bullet wound.

It should be noted that the artist’s name began to circulate on social networks Julian Alvarezwhere his brother was even involved as one of the victims.

However, the fact was denied by the same company of the Chiapas artist. In a statement, the artist’s group stressed that the confrontation has nothing to do with him, and clarified that Julión was only traveling on the road with his family when this event occurred.

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Currently, agents of the National Guard, of the Secretary of National Defense (SEDENA) and of the State Policeremain in the region with the purpose of guaranteeing the safety of the residents.

Sources close to the police corporations reported that in this operation, three vehicles were seized, which are already at the disposal of the Federal Public Ministry, who are investigating this fact.

It is worth mentioning that the bodies of the killed subjects were lifted by the expert services, who reported that the lifeless bodies corresponded to Amin “N” 50 years old; Jorge “N”, 35 years old; and an unidentified man.

Note published by The Herald of Chiapas

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