Businessmen see it as unfeasible to reduce the working day to 40 hours – El Sol de México

He business sector considered that it is not possible reduce the working day from 48 to 40 hours per week in the remainder of the year, due to lack of personnel and low productivity.

José Medina Mora, president of the Employers’ Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex)stated that in the first instance it is necessary to increase productivity before reducing the working day, since this could generate an abrupt increase in costs for companies.

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“As a country we have a serious problem of productivity, we are only 30 percent productive compared to the average of OECD countries. To reduce the working day, we first have to recover our productivity,” he said in an interview for The Sun of Mexico.

According to the leader of the employer sector, so far this year, companies have faced three significant cost increases due to changes in labor policy: the new increase in the minimum wage, the vacation renovation and a greater employer contribution to pensions.

Additionally, the Coparmex estimates that in the labor market there are between 1.2 and 1.6 million vacancies that cannot be filled. This lack of personnel would be a bad combination with a reduction of working hours.

“Even if you wanted to rest an extra day, There are no staff available to fill these vacancies.. Therefore, it should work overtime and it would have to be paid in double and triple hours. We must first resolve the lack of personnel before thinking about reducing the working day,” he added.

Medina Mora stated that the business sector yes supports Reduction of the working day, but first it is important to break customs in the country’s work culture, especially with employers that do not allow their workers to leave on time.

Salary increase proposal continues

On minimum wage discussion for the next year, The business sector maintains its proposal to increase 12.8 percent for next yearwhich would represent 233.9 pesos per day, compared to the current level.

However, andthe working sector proposes raise salary by 25 percent, which would mean going from 207.44 pesos to 259.3 pesos per day, achieving the family well-being line the following year.

According to Medina Mora, with the business proposal It would be enough for the minimum wage to reach the family well-being line in 2026.

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The objective is to bring the minimum wage in line with family well-beingThat is, a family of four people where two people earn two minimum wages, is enough for the food and non-food basket, and the goal is to reach it in 2026,” said the president of the Coparmex.

He added that although the increase should be gradual, companies can do it voluntarily and thus align the minimum salary to the line of family well-being.

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