Clashes in Palenque leave several injured – El Sol de México

Sunday night and early Monday morning, Palenque, Chiapaswitnessed two violent clashes between citizens and members of the peasant group Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Movement, leaving a preliminary balance of at least 30 people injured, 36 detained from said organization, as well as the burning of 10 motorcycles and one Urvan, according to residents. local.

The riots broke out as a result of blocking of the highway that connects Palenque – Pakal-Na Boulevard by the peasant group. He took the road in protest of the arrest of his leader, Pablo Martell Santos, carried out by the State Attorney General’s Office.

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The lack of response regarding the release of their leader exacerbated the mood of the Motion Reform Agrarian Comprehensivewhich announced the blockade of the only dirt road access used by residents of the Pakal-Na neighborhood to go to the city of Palenque.

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This move sparked outrage among local residents, who, unable to use the main route throughout the day, now faced the prospect of a complete closure of the alternate route. Organizing themselves, the residents of the Pakal-Na colony blocked the dirt road, triggering the first confrontation around 9:00 p.m. on Sunday.

After releasing the first point, the members of the cologne, supported by citizens from other neighborhoods, decided to confront the original concentration center of the peasants. The second confrontation took place near the FONATUR offices of the Mayan Train, on Bulevar Palenque – Pakal-Na, where angry citizens physically confronted the farmers, expressing their frustration with their actions.

Some farmers were detained by local residents and handed over to the authorities, while others fled for fear of being lynched. It is reported that some motorcycles were abandoned in the area and subsequently set on fire by citizens, including an Urvan that blocked road.

In the second confrontation, the forces of the Police Municipal and State had to intervene to maintain order and prevent the situation from worsening.

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In a balance preliminaryAccording to information provided by residents, at least 30 injuries were recorded, 36 members of the peasant movement were detained and at least 10 motorcycles and one Urvan were destroyed. The disturbances continued until early Monday morning, with the residents’ objective achieved: the liberation of vehicular passage.

Originally published in The Herald of Chiapas

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