The shocking images of Shakira at the moment she admits tax fraud in Spain

Shakira has finally admitted tax fraud in a session held in the Barcelona court, Spaincausing all kinds of reactions in the Internetsince her fans hoped that she could get out of the whole situation successfully.

“Women no longer cry, women evade taxes,” is the new slogan that various social media users have been using today, to define the agreement that Shakira has reached with the Spanish justice system, admitting the crimes for which he was accused and agreeing to pay a fine of 8 million dollars to avoid going to prison for 3 years.

The interpreter of ‘Monotonía’ He has left several very outstanding photographs, since she attracted attention for her vibrant pink look, dark glasses and accompanied by her team of lawyers. The sessions They started today, Monday, November 20, in Barcelona, ​​around 10 in the morning, but this was the first and last time that the Colombian will go to court, since the agreement was approved by the judge.

During his plea, latin artist He confirmed that he accepts the conditions mainly because of his children, who would have asked him to accept the guidelines so as not to prolong his trial.

“I have to choose my battles and the most important thing for me now is to do everything so that my children live a full life and focus on what is really important: watching them grow and spending time with them, without subjecting them to the anguish of seeing their mother in a criminal trial with the wear and tear it entails. They themselves have asked me, and I have made this decision for them. They have lived through very hard times and I want them to finally see me happy and look forward together to the future,” said Shakira.

His lawyer has ratified before the judge the agreement, although the details of how it will be developed have not been revealed. The singer did not last more than 15 minutes in court, although it was believed that this first session could last several hours.

The star was in Spain for several days, since attended the Latin Grammys 2023 held in the Spanish city of Seville, where he managed to take three gramophones and took advantage of the moment to confirm that “he only wants to focus on the future and forget the past.”

The photos of Shakira leaving the court have quickly become a trend in all social networks. Public pressure has been noticeable, and a large part of Spanish citizens celebrate this verdict, claiming that all people residing in Spain must pay their taxes. taxes.

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