Corporate Moment | Asiaway, job advancement and expansion plans – El Sol de México

In a transparent, respectful and democratic process, the workers of the Mexican unit of the Chinese company Asiaway Automotive Components elected the National Union of Workers of the Automotive Industry and General, Similar and Related Services, as representative of their interests. And at the same time as this process, the company releases in a timely manner the information related to the request submitted by the United States to investigate an alleged denial of labor rights at this plant, which is unfounded, and would be this same year when this issue is properly clarified. With labor issues in tune, Asiaway maintains its solid expansion plans that involve investments of more than 400 million dollars that will allow the creation of up to 2 thousand new jobs; between the inauguration and subsequent expansion of its plant in San Luis Potosí to reinforce its production capacity for automotive components.

Them and the ball

ViX premiered the documentary Tan Cerca de las Nubes, an emotional story of a women’s team that emerged from plains soccer, with little support, but a lot of effort, and that reached the final of the World Cup at the Azteca Stadium, becoming the first Mexican team to play a football final.

Directed by Manuel Cañibe and produced by N+ Docs, in conjunction with Éramos Tantos Estudio Visual, Filmadora and Ruta 66 Cine, the documentary brings together the players who testify to the challenges and schemes they challenged more than 50 years ago.

In 1971, after beating Argentina, England and Italy, the women’s team reached the final against Denmark, and although it did not achieve victory on the field, it did so to inspire women’s soccer.

Well set!

And in the preparations for the 2026 FIFA World Cup to be organized by Mexico, the United States and Canada, Grupo Martex headed by Santiago Martí Ascencio is ready for the preparation and production of the official shirts of the Mexican National Team under the Adidas brand, and the challenge is not lower because a demand for at least 3 million jerseys of the tricolor team for the 2026 World Cup is estimated. Martrex, based in Irapuato, Guanajuato, was founded in 1935 in San Luis Potosí, currently provides employment to almost 4 thousand people and allocates around of 2 million dollars annually for areas of innovation, design and development, and has two international recognitions.

Credit improvement

HR Ratings upgraded Bankaool from C to BB- with stable outlook; an increase of four levels in its rating scale, an adjustment that reflects the financial stability of the bank and the improvement in the increase in the client portfolio, credit, liquidity and capital, and in addition to the work and strategy of the institution under the direction of Juan Antonio Pérez Simón and Moisés Chaves.


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