Former municipal president of Amatenango del Valle Julian Bautista is murdered – El Sol de México

Julián Bautista Gómez, former municipal president of Amatenango del Valle, Chiapas, was executed by armed men this Tuesday morning, while he was traveling aboard his backhoe, security sources confirmed.

The events occurred around 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, April 9, when the Carmelito cruise ship that connects with the municipalities of Teopisca-Villa Las Rosas and Comitán was traveling, when the armed men opened fire.

In this sense, the State Attorney General’s Office (FGE), through the Altos District Prosecutor’s Office, initiated an investigation file against whoever or those who are responsible for the crime of homicide, committed to the detriment of someone who in life responded to the name of Julián “N ”, former president of the municipality of Amatenango del Valle.

Likewise, the residents indicated that a vendor named Julio “N” was seriously injured, who was on the side of the road selling food, when he was hit by a stray bullet.

Ministerial, Expert and Investigative Police personnel remain at the scene carrying out the respective procedures and investigative acts, with the purpose of clarifying the facts and establishing responsibilities.

Elements of the Investigative Police and Ministerial Police of the FGE appeared at the scene of the events, however, relatives of the victim had already lifted the body, requesting the non-intervention of the authority, alleging uses and customs.

The current constitutional municipal president of Amatenango del Valle, Juan Carlos Bautista, is the brother of the deceased, who indicated that his brother intended to run for mayor.

So far in Chiapas there have been a total of nine attacks on applicants and candidates for a popularly elected position, the first occurred with Antonio Santiz Gomez, candidate for the presidency of Tenejapa, who was disappeared on November 27, 2023; while Martín Palé, candidate for the presidency of Huixtán, was murdered on December 9 of last year.

Iran Mérida, candidate for the presidency of Frontera Comalapa, disappeared on December 14, 2023; while David Rey González, candidate for president of Suchiate, was murdered on January 5 of this year; Willy Ochoa candidate for the Senate for Fuerza y ​​Corazón por México on Friday, February 23, there was an attack in Las Rosas and on April 1, a vehicle and propaganda material was taken from his work team.

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Likewise, Gabriel Orantes Villatoro, candidate for the municipal presidency of San Fernando for Morena, was attacked in the San Fernando-Tuxtla section, while Carmelita Fernández Benavente, candidate for the presidency of Ángel Albino Corzo, had her house and hotel burned on the 1st of March.

Obdulio Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, pre-candidate for the presidency of Maravilla Tenejapa, suffered an armed attack on March 8 and Diego Pérez Méndez, PRI pre-candidate for the presidency of San Juan Cancuc, was murdered on March 14, 2024.

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