One in 5 people suffer from depression, anxiety or stress – El Sol de México

Today, one in five people suffer from severe or very severe depression, anxiety or stress. The increase in the number of people with mental illnesses is due to several factors that impact emotional and psychological health.

Currently, three-quarters of the population, that is 76 percent, experienced at least one difficulty or challenge in the last 12 months. Among others, financial difficulties by 49 percent; psychological suffering, 37 percent; and social isolation, 32 percent, indicated Dr. Avril Rey, deputy director of the AXA Keralty Comprehensive Health System.

In an interview, he explained that these indicators can be attributed to the gradual recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact of the global context, added to environmental problems at a global and regional level.

“With this in mind, it is not surprising that the number of mental illnesses has not improved compared to 2023, since there is an increase especially in terms of anxiety problems, which stands at 20 percent, which is 4 percentage points more.”

“Meanwhile, depression and stress remain at high percentages with 42 and 64 percent, respectively,” he stressed.

The specialist specified that “mental illnesses did increase after the Covid-19 pandemic, but it is not exclusive to Mexico.”

Data from the World Health Organization (WHO) reveal a 25 percent increase in the global prevalence of diseases such as anxiety and depression during the first year and it is not surprising that Mexico also suffers from these consequences, he mentioned.

He told El Sol de México that “in the country, figures from the AXA Keralty Comprehensive Health System reveal an increase in the number of consultations for the care of patients diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression of approximately 20 percent, between the period “pandemic and post-pandemic”.

In the Mental Health Report it is observed that the prevalence increased year after year, especially in people with anxiety by 20 percent. That is, 4 percentage points more compared to 2022. Today one in five people suffers from severe or very severe depression, anxiety or stress.

Are there enough psychiatrists to care for a population of 128 million inhabitants in the country?

-Mexico has to reinforce its level of care for mental illnesses at different levels. While it is true that it is necessary to improve the training of first-contact doctors and public policies, it is also important to raise awareness and erase the social stigma associated with these conditions to allow timely diagnoses and reduce the prevalence of mental illnesses.

He also said that many people are not aware of their mental health status.

A relevant finding of the Mental Health Report is that 90 percent of people suspected of suffering from a serious illness consider that their mental health is good. “This is related to the lack of a professional diagnosis,” he indicated.

Of those surveyed, Dr. Avril Rey revealed that 65 percent said they had suffered some level of depression, anxiety or stress. However, only 22 percent went to a psychologist and 13 percent to a psychiatrist in the last 12 months. That is, self-management of these conditions increased.


He also commented that during 2023, they attended about 18,200 consultations in the specialties of Psychology and Psychiatry. “But this meant approximately 4 percent fewer consultations than in 2022, despite the fact that the number of patients in AXA Keralty clinics increased by 17 percent, compared to the previous year.”

What are the recommendations for the population in general or specifically in any age range?

-At the AXA Keralty Comprehensive Health System we take care of people’s physical and mental well-being. We promote a proactive preventive model. Therefore, it is essential that the population understands the importance of not self-diagnosing.

Evaluations must be done by experts: psychologist or psychiatrist to ensure an accurate and appropriate diagnosis. Despite the stigma that still surrounds mental illness, it is crucial that people not be afraid to ask for help when they need it.

And although Dr. Rey said that the most common conditions they found last year were disorders associated with anxiety, emotional problems and with the primary family support group, the specialist recalled that there are multiple disorders that can be related. with mental illnesses.

He cited sleep disorders, eating habits or loss of interest in the simple things in life.

And he insisted that it is essential not to underestimate the symptoms and seek professional help when necessary.

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