From the Shelf | The roots of oil nationalism in Mexico – El Sol de México

Lorenzo Meyer. Fund of Economic Culture

The end of the Revolution was at the same time the beginning of other struggles. Among them, oil generated great tensions, both for the country’s internal and foreign politics, which ended with the oil expropriation and compensation to foreign companies that owned part of the oil in the country. This book tells that story in detail and emphasizes the value of oil, as a palpable crucial element in the process and formation of our national identity.

Lázaro Cárdenas and the Mexican Revolution III. Cardenism

Fernando Benitez. Fund of Economic Culture

This is the third installment of the long report that the Mexican journalist and historian Fernando Benítez wrote to understand the Mexican Revolution from the eyes of the military man and later politician Lázaro Cárdenas. After having left the times of Porfirismo and caudillismo (which reaches the maximato), this text, which can well be read as an independent work, stops to recapitulate the years of the government of this general loved by many and hated by others. so many, as well as the splinters that his work left in the public history of Mexico.

Six years with General Francisco Villa

José María Jaurrieta. Fund of Economic Culture

This book is the very record of the private and extremely trusted secretary of General Francisco Villa. It is an invaluable document, because in it is not only written first-hand the years that would outline the decline of the Villista army, with all its victories and all its defeats, starting in 1916, but because, among its pages, it has been printed in detail the human profile of the fearsome Northern Centaur.

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