I am a 4X4 woman: Xóchitl Gálvez begins her pre-campaign in Cd. Juárez, Chihuahua – El Sol de México

Xochitl Galvez He began his pre-campaign for the presidency of the republic in the municipality of Ciudad Juárez, in Chihuahua, with a message of ¡Arriba Juárez! before more than two thousand supporters.

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“Those who say that it is impossible to reach the official candidate, that this has already been decided, do not know me, do not know what I am made of, I am a woman who comes from below and has fought against adversity throughout my life,” she said. in his speech.

Likewise, he highlighted the presence of the Mazahua community at the event, whom he thanked for their presence with a message: “many thanks to my indigenous sisters and brothers who came to seek the dream in Juarez City and that they stayed here, they count on me and they will always count on me.”

The candidate pointed out that there is still much to do in Ciudad Juárez given the situation of poverty that continues to be experienced in the municipality.

“We are all going to take to the streets to recover the government, rest assured that I am going to do it on your side, I am a 4X4 woman, I am an all-terrain vehicle,” she said.

Likewise, he assured that “hope will return in Ciudad Juárez so that we can have a peaceful, calm Juárez and the law will be applied to criminals and not hugs because the law is the law.”

“With me you will know what competition is, your servant is a strong woman, like you are, I am strong, I am a strong woman, but above all I am a woman with a huge heart. I am a woman who believes that service You only come to the public if you love your neighbor, you come to public service to serve, you come to help those who have the least and that is going to be the reason of my life with which I seek and aspire to be the candidate of the parties to the presidency of the republic,” he added.

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Xóchitl Gálvez specified that he is not against the social programs such as pensions for the elderly and scholarships for children and young people, but she added that it would be important for her to ensure medical care.

Regarding the issue of industry, the Broad Front candidate for Mexico indicated that the maquiladora industry in Chihuahua “has been wonderful, but we will have to move on to the next step, which is industry 4.0.”

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“Chihuahua has everything to pull nearshoring, everything to become an economic power“But some problems must be resolved, such as insecurity, the issue of energy and water must be resolved, the education of young people must be improved and the infrastructure for border crossings must be improved,” he stated.

Note published in: The Herald of Juárez

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