In Debate | AMLO in Badiraguato – El Sol de México


“I’m going to return, there are some who don’t like me coming to Badiraguato, but I like it, look, now that’s my taste!” And do you know why I like it? Because I don’t agree with the stigmas, I don’t agree with calling people bad, when all the people, all the people, are good. We are not born bad, we are all born good, it is the circumstances that lead some to take the path of antisocial behavior. But I believe a lot in human beings, I believe a lot in the goodness of our people, that’s why I will continue coming.”

KENIA LÓPEZ RABADÁN, senator for the PAN

“With his visits to Badiraguato, López Obrador reveals the existence of a narco-government and shows that his strategy focuses on embracing and making agreements with criminals.

Never has a President visited so many times a place that all of us in Mexico associate with drug trafficking, nor is there another place that has interested this President so much.”


“There is a campaign on the networks that I am going to Sinaloa to meet with members of the Sinaloa Cartel, well no. I go to Sinaloa because it is a state of good people, of hard-working people who should not be stigmatized. The purpose is to supervise works and programs in favor of food self-sufficiency, since Sinaloa “is the country’s breadbasket.”

LILY TELLEZ, senator for the PAN

“The president changed the G20 summit for the Badiraguato summit. It is unfortunate that he does not leave his comfort zone.”


“Hopefully we will all find a way to call it ‘Triangle of good people and working people or the region of good neighbors’ or something like that, but we have to change because here there is a lot of goodness, a lot of good, hard-working people and we should not stigmatize any area.”


“Just say that you made a deal with drug traffickers and that’s it, we’re not stupid. They all did it. They are not different. It is said and nothing happens. Why visit Badiraguato so much?

EPIGMENIO IBARRA, media producer

“Intellectuals, columnists and radio and television presenters from the conservative right are hysterical because AMLO is going to Badiraguato again. They are the “cynics and cretins” who never said anything about the complicity, which was real, between Calderón, García Luna and the drug trafficker.”


“Five times to Badiraguato. No visits to relatives of missing persons or victims of violence. “The president has his priorities.”

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