In five years there will be demand for “green jobs,” says Manpower – El Sol de México

Within five years, the green transition is expected to generate up to 30 million new jobs. 70 percent of employers around the world recruit talent in this sector and the panorama in Mexico is no different.

It was detected that talent with training and knowledge that allows companies to face climate change and care for the environment is already beginning to be demanded.

According to the study “Sustainable Business Transformation” by ManpowerGroup, the basis of green business transformation is a trained and innovative workforce.

And it anticipates the urgency of accelerating personnel retraining processes over the next six years, as well as university careers related to sustainability, since these areas offer a unique opportunity to contribute to the construction of a more sustainable and responsible future with environment.

According to the study, the strongest recruitment intentions are concentrated in the Energy sector at 81 percent, given the strong global growth in renewable energy generation.

They are followed by the Manufacturing industry, with 36 percent, and Operations and Logistics with 31 percent.

Regarding the positions that are in demand in this transition towards sustainability, there are established green jobs such as wind turbine technicians, solar panel installers, which contribute to environmental sustainability.

Also ecological jobs, that is, people who have knowledge of the functions that are aimed at increasing the environmental impact, such as automotive technicians specialized in electric cars.

And recently emerging profiles were added. These are jobs born from the development of new technologies such as direct carbon capture or hydrogen technology.

According to the ManpowerGroup study, the demand for green jobs grew 15 percent year-on-year from 2023 to 2024.

However, only one in 8 workers has the skills that these types of positions demand.

The study’s forecasts indicate that there could potentially be an increase in demand for this type of personnel, as the population increases its consumption of ecological products and energy.

Some positions that are most in demand are battery design and battery software engineers; environmental analysts; electric vehicle service technicians; research and development scientists and mechanical design engineers.

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