Mega pharmacy could open on December 30 in Huehuetoca: AMLO – El Sol de México

The Ministry of Health reported that on December 30 the mega pharmacy that he promised to build President Andrés Manuel López Obradorin Huehuetoca, State of Mexico.

During the morning press conference this Monday, the secretary of health, Jorge Alcocer Varelareported that said mega warehouse that will be located in the State of Mexico, near the “Felipe Ángeles” International Airport.

“In December we are going to inaugurate the large pharmacy that will have all the medications required,” said President López Obrador.

In addition, the federal president pointed out that said pharmacy will have a communication and transportation system. This is to ensure that there is no shortage of medication, and if there is a shortage, that the medication is available within 24 hours.

“They are equipping themselves to have all the medicines and refrigeration equipment, everything that is required.”

It is worth mentioning that the parastatal company Birmex He will be in charge of distribution and warehouse management. On the other hand, Alcocer Varelapointed out that a first payment for the use of the warehouse has even been made.

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Note that previously, Zoe Robledo Aburtogeneral director of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), reported that currently, there is a 94 percent supply of medication prescriptions in 23 states of the country.

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