Mexicans change their name to avoid ridicule – El Sol de México

The main reason among Mexicans to request name change either surnames this year it was for teasing or denigration, requests that are increasing, according to official data obtained by El Sol de México through the National Transparency Platform (PNT).

From January to November 6 of this year, a total of 634 people attended the 32 Records Civilians of the country to make the change of name or surname. 42 percent did it because of mockery or denigration because of what they are called, these 266 requests They exceeded the 243 received in 2022 for the same reason.

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Luis is a child that changed its name. His father registered him as Shrek, alluding to the character from the animated film. That decision it turned out to be a nightmare for him, says his mother Leticia; His classmates in kindergarten called him “the ogre in the classroom.”

“One day my child to the house and asked me, crying, if people could change their names because they no longer wanted to be the ogre in the room. We went to school to find out what was happening and the teacher told us that because of his name, my son was being victim of bullying.

It was then that we realized the mistake we had made and immediately decided start the process for change the name for Luis, like his grandfather,” Leticia said in a telephone interview with this medium.

He recognized that even minor began to present sleep disorders because of the teasing of his schoolmates. She would wake up crying and tell us it was because her name was Shrek. It really was a nightmare for my child, because despite the modification they kept calling him the ogre from the classroom until he entered primary school and changed schools and classmates,” added the mother.

In its article 46, the Civil Registry Law prohibits registering a minor with a personal name that is pejorative, discriminatory, slanderous, degrading, devoid of meaning or that constitutes a sign or acronym.

However, the euphoria of some parents over series of superheroes, moviessoccer teams, and even rock groups, it leads them to choose unconventional namessaid Esteban Rosales, who has worked for 16 years as a Civil Registry officer in Mexico City.

“In the past, many minors were registered with the name day of the day they were born and that is why they were called Cacerolo, Culebro, Marciana, Herculino and Telesforo, for example, but they were even common names. Furthermore, there was no bullying as it exists today; To this day we keep changing these names because they are now a source of ridicule. What we always recommend is that they value the name they will choose, generating pride in carrying the name they will choose,” he explained for this newspaper.

According to the law, people who can change their name through the Civil registration are those who claim to be victims of mockery or denigration because of what they are called. The second valid criterion is that they have a different sex than the one they had when they were registered at birth and a third option is that the birth certificates contain some spelling error.

Sex change has been the second cause this year—after mockery or denigration— for which Mexicans modified their identity, with 29 percent of the requests; followed by the correction in birth certificateswith 25 percent, and to a much lesser extent (four percent) for cases of protection for women who experience gender violence.

For the first time, according to information obtained via the National Transparency Platform (PNT)andl sex change It surpassed the correction of poorly made minutes, which last year was ranked as the second cause.

Requests for change of first or last name They went from 122 during 2022 to 184 from January to November 6 of this year, according to information from the country’s Civil Registries.

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The procedure for name change due to change of sex provides, unlike the rest of the causes, the change of gender in the birth certificateswhich in the opinion of Armando González, civil lawyer, makes the process take longer than the modification due to mockery, such as the bullying.

According to the expert, the procedure for changing the name must be carried out in person and begins with delivery to the Civil registration of a letter of reasons why you want to make the change. In addition, you must present a copy of the birth certificate, official identification with a photograph, proof of recent address and the payment form, which for Mexico City is 600 pesos.

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