Residents of Benito Juárez and Tlalpan, those who follow the mayoral debates the most – El Sol de México

The chilangos who pay more attention to organized debates among the mayoral candidates live in Tlalpan, Benito Juárez and Tláhuac.

Yesterday he Electoral Institute of Mexico City (IECM) revealed the calendar of each of the 16 meetings. The first will be April 16th among the candidates for mayor of Cuauhtemoc and the last one on May 21 between the Azcapotzalco contenders.

It may interest you: IECM advisors warn of alleged interference by the institute in the media

According to the history of elections for this position, the debates between the candidates and candidates for mayor of Tlalpan, Benito Juárez and Tláhuac They concentrated the audience of the 16 held, one per district, in 2021.

The Provisional Monitoring Commission for the Organization and Holding of Debates of that organization reported the above in its final report on the results of the holding of the 51 debates recorded during the Electoral process Ordinary Local 2020-2021.

“The organization and holding of debates within electoral campaigns becomes an opportunity to generate democratic spaces plenary sessions, by concentrating at the same moment the political offer of those who aspire to reach public office – for the first time or re-election – the opportunity for the population to get involved in demands and accountability and, that girls, boys and adolescents and young people get involved in public affairs, as part of their civic education,” argued the members of the commission.

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To the exchange of ideas between the candidates to be mayors of Tlalpanwhich occurred on May 13, 2021only six of the eight nominees attended and they were Alfa Gonzálezstandard bearer of the pNational Action, Institutional Revolutionary and Democratic Revolution groups; Gabriela Osorio, candidate of Morena and the Labor Party (PT); Héctor Hugo Hernández, candidate of the Citizen Movement (MC); Susana Granada, candidate of the Equity, Freedom and Gender Party (PELyG); Adolfo Lluvere, standard bearer of the Fuerza por México Party (PFM); and Javier Uriel Aguirre, standard bearer of the Solidarity Encounter Party (PES).

The report of IECM It shows that this debate had 103,837 views and 68,729 opinions expressed in the live chat of the broadcast. The topics that were addressed were access to decent housing, drinking water, combating insecurity, addressing poverty and access to food, migration, combating unemployment and forest fires.

This year only three candidates are fighting for the demarcation, two of them are competing again: Alfa González and Gabriela Osorio.

The second most viewed was Benito Juarez. On May 19, 2021, the dialogue between candidates for mayors of Benito Juárez and which was attended by the candidate of the National Action Party (PAN), Santiago Taboadawho was seeking re-election; Judith Tamayostandard bearer of Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)Adriana Camera, candidate for the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD); Paula Soto, who was nominated by the P.T. and Morena; Yazmín Corral, candidate of the PVEM; Rodrigo Cordera, who played for MC; Carlos Corral, standard bearer of the PES; Jazmín García, RSP candidate; Araceli Álvarez, candidate of the PFM; and Manuel Calderón, nominated by (PELyG).

This year only one of those candidates repeats his aspiration to govern the mayor’s office: Rodrigo Cordera, from Movimiento Ciudadano.

The debate between these candidates reached 86,831 views and 21,201 interactions. The topics on which the debate revolved were, among others, planning and use of the land and improvement of housing, attention to insecurity and Vehicle Theftpromotion of hotel and restaurant activities, attention to addictions, environmental impact and public hygiene, insecurity, violence and public insecurity.

The third exchange of ideas that had the largest audience was that of Tlahuacregistered on May 24, 2021. Nidia Martínez, PAN candidate, participated; Héctor Jiménez, PVEM candidate; Lesvia Gómez, MC standard bearer; Alejandro Morán, RSP candidate; Alicia Jiménez, representative of the PELyG; Saúl Cruz representing the PFM; and Tomás Boguero, PES candidate; but the winning candidate Berenice Hernández, from the PT and Morena, did not attend.

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This year two candidates repeat: Berenice Hernández and Lesvia Gómez.

The measurement made by this provisional commission was that this debate It had 80,183 views and generated 11,126 interactions.

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