STPS will review notifications from the ASF about the Youth Building the Future program – El Sol de México

Regarding the review of the 2022 Public Account that the Superior Audit of the Federation (ASF) made to the Youth Building the Future Program (JCF), the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare reports:

“That the information received on November 13 will be reviewed and the responses deemed pertinent will be integrated within the framework of the established deadline and procedures.”

The amount to be clarified amounts to 5.1 million pesos, which represents 0.02% of the total amount of the social investment of that program in said fiscal year, an amount that will be duly clarified before the corresponding instance.

It informs in a statement that the JCF Program will continue its operation successfully, as it has done so far and will maintain its great commitment to the country’s youth.

And it mentions that according to INEGI data, 6 out of every 10 young people who participate in the Program enter a job or productive activity. “And this in following and adhering to the principle of leaving no one behind and leaving no one behind. Never again will Mexico be without its young people.”

From this PJCF, remember that to date it benefits 2.7 million young people between 18 and 29 years old who do not study or work, to whom it grants a minimum wage for 12 months while they are training, that is 6,310 pesos per month and its incorporation into the insurance. doctor of the Mexican Social Security Institute.

The investment in youth is 106 billion pesos since this program was implemented. And since that date it has been subject to reviews by different supervisory entities.

The Superior Audit of the Federation has already carried out 5 audits of the PJCF on the Public Accounts 2019, 2020 and 2021. And the allegations made were addressed in a timely manner.

Likewise, the PJCF constantly and uninterruptedly implemented a continuous improvement process to increasingly consolidate the operation of this program. And at the same time strengthen its supervision and control mechanisms, which the supervisory entities themselves recognized.

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