The labor sector is no longer an electoral loot, says president of the Labor Congress – El Sol de México

Nowadays, the workers They are no longer the corporate vote that the union organizations They committed to a certain party. “That’s over,” said Reyes Soberanis Moreno, president of the Labor Congress.

In an interview with El Sol de México, the union leader, which brings together more than five million workers formal and three million informal, says that the working sector is no longer an electoral loot.

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“I am the first president of the Labor Congress that arrives without a match. I have always been a union member. My vocation and responsibility are in this position. Internally we analyze that we have a diversity of workers and organizations that are no longer with a single party,” says Soberanis Moreno.

He Labor Congressformed on February 18, 1966, brings together the 54 large labor confederations of the country, among which the Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM)the Mexican Regional Workers Confederation (CROM), the Federation of Workers in the Service of the State (FSTSE), the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) or the Union of Railway Workers of the Mexican Republic (STFRM).

“We have a diversity of workers and organizations that are no longer with a single party (…) And by region, there are workers’ centers that have various colors inside. In some regions they go to a political party and in others, the same union organization votes for candidates of another party affiliation,” said Soberanis Moreno.

The unions They no longer vote as a bloc, he warns and adds that another of the Political changes is that the labor sector looks for the presidential candidates to present their demands, contrary to what was done in the past, when the candidates presented their proposals to them.

“We will present our demands so that they are taken into account by the candidatesso that they know what the legitimate needs of the workers, unlike many years when it was done the other way around. The parties said, this and this I am going to do for you workers. When the voice of the workers they decided,” he said.

Regarding the workers’ demands, the union leader points out that they are wage increase and working conditions, a fair pension system and a decent retirement, in addition to more agile and accessible access to jobs.

“There are many aspects of twork issue. They will be the main topics that will be addressed. Mexico cannot grow or will not reach growth levels if it does not take into account the workers“, pointed out the leader.

Reyes Soberanis Moreno stated that he is already in contact with the representatives of the presidential candidates to treat the Laboral things and negotiate a meeting, either at a massive public event or just with a representation of the Labor Congress.

“If there are conditions it will be before the end of this month, according to the agenda of the candidatesbut if they tell us that they do not meet with him Labor Congress okay, we presented it at a press conference. We are going to make our demands public. The meeting is for attention with the candidates”.

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He clarified that a Integral plan medium and long term, which will be delivered to the candidates

“We will propose what we need to move forward, to improve working conditions and we will talk about nnew reforms. This is a comprehensive plan. That’s what we’re going to do. It will be a medium and long-term approach for the labor sector. I made a project that I presented to Labor Congress“I gave them to them so that each organization could incorporate their requests, needs and points of view and, with that, reach a final document,” said the union leader.

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