FBI identifies more than 100 supremacist groups on the border – El Sol de México

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) identified a hundred supremacist groups targets and contingents of hate that have resurfaced from the SB-4 Law promoted by Texas Governor Greg Abbot, which allows state authorities to detain and deport migrants just for its appearance.

Reports from the US agency warn that in the groups detected operate neo-Nazi and anti-immigrant ideologiesfor which all their actions are carried out based on supremacist notions that observe a nation dominated and populated by whites.

You may be interested. Irregular crossing on the US-Mexico border continues despite anti-immigrant law

One of the ideas that some of these manifest groups openly is that of an alleged secret plan of the government of Mexico and the Mexican Americans to sever the southeastern United States and create a new country, Aztlán.

“The number of hate groups operating in USA has increased across the country, largely fueled by anti-immigrant measures like SB-4 in Texas, in the border cin Mexico, where at least a hundred organizations operate, and SB-1718 in Florida,” warns the FBI in a report prepared last January.

Among the groups identified by the American authority There are American Border Patrol, whose members go out practically migrant hunter; the Federation for Immigration Reform in the United States (FAIR), United Constitutional Patriots and The Army of God, whose members and founders are related to groups supremacists and neo-nazis. The purpose of all of them is to prevent the entry of migrants and they generally do so with violent methods, from intimidation to murder.

According to Javier Urbano, coordinator of the Migration Affairs Program of the Iberoamerican University (Ibero), These groups began to emerge in the 90s, when flows of migrants htowards the American Union increased markedly.

“The media presence and political success of these groups is due to the doctrine of National security in the United States, to the relaunch of the patriotic discourse in defense of the borders and the anti-Mexican segregation that dominates the elections in the American Union every four years,” he added.

These organizations, according to the FBI, now take advantage of social networks to foster feelings of hatred against the arrival of undocumented immigrants, whose number broke a record last year with almost 2.5 million arrests.

“Ultimately, having a border It means being prepared to have armed men ready to use force to stop those who try to cross it. If you are not willing to do that, then you border it is false; Anyone who wants it badly can just break in,” Charlie Kirk, founder and president of the conservative organization Turning Point USA, wrote on his X account.

“It’s time to deal harshly with the invaders, Governor Abbot. We have sonic and millimeter wave weapons for crowd control. It’s time to use them,” wrote another X user.

The SB-4 law remains frozen until further notice, as the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans has not set a position on whether or not this legislation violates the United States Constitution.

On Wednesday, the appeals court heard positions on the matter from federal and Texas authorities, but so far it has not issued any ruling.

“The SB-4 remains suspended. The SRE remains firm in the defense of Mexicans against discriminatory laws in Texas and the United States,” said the chancellor Alicia Bárcena after Wednesday’s hearing that keeps the legislation frozen.

The rule, signed by Republican Greg Abbott, last December, authorizes the security forces of Texas to arrest people on suspicion that they had entered the state irregularly through the southern border with Mexico.

Furthermore, it considers that irregular entry into the territory is a state crime which can be punished with up to six months in prison, or 20 years if the person is a repeat offender. The measure also authorizes state judges to expel detained people directly to Mexico.

The court’s decision, according to Luis Dávila, a member of the Mesoamerican Migrant Movementcan increase the feeling anti-immigrant of these groups faced with the helplessness of not having achieved Abbot’s goal.

“We had to see them and they were armed as if they were going to the war and camouflageThey even settle along the Rio Grande, hidden among the bushes.

We are truly concerned that the court’s decision to stop SB-4 will exacerbate the frustration of these organizations and they will try to take the measures into their own hands or that the return of donald trump to the White House once again promotes the feeling of hate,” he added.

According to Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism from California State University, San Bernardino, in 2022 hate crimes against the Hispanic population increased 21 percent compared to 2021. In total, 738 hate crimes against Latinos were recorded in the United States.

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Currently, the anti-immigrant speech It is exploited by conservative and Republican politicians who are in the fight to obtain the presidency of the United States next November.

Donald Trump is one of the main promoters of anti-immigrant rhetoric, saying that undocumented immigrants are “poisoning the blood of the country” and warns that if he becomes president he will use local police to carry out mass deportations.

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