The person involved in the murder of Ismael Villagómez, a photojournalist for the OEM, is re-arrested – El Sol de México

The State Investigation Agency (AEI) will file charges against Jesus Adrian CL alias “The Monky” for the murder of the photojournalist The Herald of Juárez, Ismael VT, so he joins Carlos Miguel HH for the crime of qualified homicide.

Jesus Adrian CL was presented on Sunday before a judge of control for crime against health together with Joan Eduardo CB for the same accusation plus the crime against Federal Firearms and Explosives Law upon finding the weapon that they apparently used to murder the photojournalist.

You can also read: Relatives watch over Ismael Villagómez, photojournalist for El Heraldo de Juárez

After the control judge yesterday granted him freedom to carry out his trial and sign every week, the elements of the State Investigation Agency completed a court order against Jesús Adrián CL, alias “El Monky”, for the crime of qualified homicidecommitted to the detriment of the photojournalist Ismael VT in Ciudad Juárez.

It was at 5:10 p.m. yesterday, Sunday. November 19, 2023that, at the intersection of Barranco Azul and El Terreno streets in the Toribio Ortega neighborhood, he was notified of the arrest warrant issued by a Control Judge of the Bravos Judicial Districtto the 22-year-old male.

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Based on ministerial investigations of the Crimes Against Life Unitevidence was obtained that implicates Jesús Adrián CL in the murder of the photographer, when he was working as a driver of a transport platform, in events recorded in the Article 27 and Sinaloa streets of the Fronteriza Alta neighborhood.

The detainee was placed at the disposal of the Control Judge, who will be in charge of resolving your legal situation. This Monday will be the hearing before the judge control in room 19 at 11:00 am.

Jesús Adrián CL has history of drug possession in 2020 and they granted him a provisional suspension of the process, but he never showed up to sign on that occasion, so that 2020 process and the current process for alleged participation in the murder of Ishmael V.T.

Jesús Adrián CL, 22 years old, was assured at the time of the November 17 arrest, two transparent plastic wrappers containing white powder and fine with the characteristics of the cocaine weighing one gram, as well as two cell phones, of which one was also the property of the victim, for which he was detained for crimes against health.

State Prosecutor does not rule out any line of investigation

The State Attorney General, César Jáuregui, notified that no motive can be ruled out in the murder of Ismael Villagomezjournalist The Herald of Juárez.

“We already have the matter, in the first instance, resolved. In this matter we are not going to rule out any line of investigation, who we do have clear and determined is the material perpetrator of the homicide“, he declared and added that the investigation is being deepened.

According to what was stated, to date, one of the people is not only accused, but was granted one year of preventive detentionsince it is the subject who was arrested in flagrante delicto.

“One is the material author and the other two are co-participants, but so far there are three people who are going to face this process,” said the official.

He was clear in pointing out that the motive for the murder is very important that this could exist related to the activity that Villagómez carried out as a journalist and not like driver of a private transport platformso he insisted that all lines of investigation will be exhausted.

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“The important thing is to rule out that (mobile phone due to his journalistic work) because we would be in a very dangerous scenario if there could probably be a cause other than the assault,” he explained.

In this sense, the attorney general explained that the investigation continues to later be able to present a Detailed report.

Originally published in The Herald of Chihuahua

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