Those from Below will give joy to the children of Tlaxcala – El Sol de México

The group Los de Abajo closes the year with a concert at Rock Son in Cuautitlán Izcalli, to be held this Saturday, December 30, where they will gather toys to be given to children during a show within the framework of the third National Otomí Meeting in Ixtenco, Tlaxcala, the day of Kings.

Yocu Arellano, drummer of the band formed in 1992, explained to El Sol de México that although they had already given gifts in previous years, this will be the first time they have made a formal collection with the help of their fans.

“It is always gratifying to receive a gift, if we as adults give us a surprise gift it fills us with joy, imagine a child,” he commented, adding that this dynamic is also a way to put into practice the activism that they express in their songs. , addressing issues such as corruption, oppression and injustice.

“Instead of criticizing, we decided to take that attitude of helping. It is always very gratifying to see the children’s faces when they receive these toys, it fills us with a lot of hope. Children are our future and we must try to do the best for them.”

Yocu stressed that for the December 30 concert they will have special transportation that will depart from the Chabacano Metro station, directly to Rock Son. Likewise, those who cannot attend the show but wish to donate a toy can deposit it at that same point.

They start 2024 with a new album

The performers of songs like “Skapate”, “Red Lips” and “Corazón Muerdo” will begin 2024 with the release of a 12-track album titled “Dulce Justicia”, whose first single will be presented at the end of January.

“We are going to make the second ska album in the band’s history, it starts coming out on January 30. We are going to release it in singles, one each month. “We are excited because they are pure original songs,” the musician commented on the matter.

Although he recognizes that nowadays digital is predominant and it is no longer common to work on a CD, he considers that it is always good to have a physical copy. For this reason, he announced that this material will arrive in different formats.

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“We are going to release it on vinyl, cassette, mini disc and USB. There will be several formats in which it can be obtained, and there will also be a special vinyl for DJs, and separate tracks will come for them. We will make several packages that will include various items, which will be there, it will be a good gift for people,” he concluded.

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