US authorities find new body from the accident on the Baltimore bridge – El Sol de México

The US authorities reported this Monday that a new body of the victims of the accident on the Baltimore bridge, in which six workers of Latin American origin died, has been found.

The statement from the command that coordinates these tasks noted that, at the request of the family, it will not offer the identity of that person, which brings the number of bodies recovered since that event that occurred in the early hours of the 26th to four. of March.

The Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed when a container ship hit it and two bodies were found that same day. The third was found on April 5 and that third victim was identified as Maynor Suazo, of Honduran origin.

The note released this Tuesday specified that the new mortal remains were located inside a vehicle.

The Unified Command alerted the Maryland Police Department, the FBI and state Transportation authorities when they found what they thought was one of the construction team’s cars that fell into the water that day.

The intervention of the teams confirmed their suspicions and found the body of a deceased person.

The container ship Dali, 300 meters long and flying the Singapore flag, was leaving the port of Baltimore bound for Sri Lanka when it collided with one of the pillars in the central segment of the bridge over the Patapsco River.

Six workers performing maintenance on the bridge died in the collapse and the investigation has been led by the National Transportation Safety Board (NSTB), an independent government agency.

The FBI announced this Monday that it has opened a criminal investigation into what happened, which suggests that the agency is looking for possible criminal cases.

According to ABC News sources, the investigations will try to determine, among other things, whether the crew left the port knowing that something was wrong with the ship. This Monday agents from that institution boarded the ship to begin their work.

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