Pension Fund for Wellbeing: PAN and PRD join the PRI to stop it – El Sol de México

The party leaders PAN, PRI and PRDthey announced that they will go for any legal action or unconstitutionality actions for curb the creation and operation of Pension Fund for Welfare, which aims to extract from the Afores the savings of IMSS and ISSSTE workers.

On behalf of the three leaders, the leader of the PAN, Marko Cortes made a call for alert to all the workers of Mexico, for the heist what the federal government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador is doing, “in the eyes of the workers” as a result of the efforts of his entire life.

In the words of Marko Cortés, national leader of the PAN, the theft through the Pension Fund for Wellbeing would be done later, saying that “it went bankrupt, there are no savings.”

The government wants to take over the Afores that are in banking institutions to manage them. This is a government that destroys and wastes.Marko Cortés, national leader of the PAN.

Marko Cortesassured that he and the leaders of the PRI and PRD, Alejandro Moreno and Jesús Zambranothey spoke with the candidate Xochitl Galvez, and they agreed thatno one will support “this theft in depopulated areas, so we will take the appropriate legal actions, such as an action of unconstitutionality, because with this they are asking for a license to steal.”

But, to no longer steal the Fonden, no longer the Security Fund in the municipalities, no, now it is to steal the Workers’ Savings Fund, of their lifelong effort. That was just missing. Marko Cortés, leader of the PAN.

Pension Fund for Wellbeing does not compromise workers’ resources: Ignacio Mier

The Social Security Commission approved with 19 votes in favor and 10 against the creation of the Pension Fund for Welfare. During the session, the Morena deputy, Ignacio Mier Velazco, explained that the proposal is about the creation of a noble fund, generous and supportive, who does not compromise workers’ resources nor to the system that regulates the Afores.

According to Ignacio Mier, the Pension Fund for Wellbeing only complies with what is established in the laws of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), the Institute of Security and Social Services of State Workers (ISSSTE) and the Institute of the National Housing Fund (INFONAVIT), that inactive accounts, after 10 years become part of the fund which is made up of other sources of financing.

It is a compensatory, complementary, solidarity fund that does not affect committed fiscal resources, that does not affect the rights of workers and does not touch the Afores, the Afores are not touched.Ignacio Mier, coordinator of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies.

He stressed that it is a noble and generous project for the benefit of Mexican workers, which is why invited thes parliamentary fractions of opposition to read the initiative and give your vote in favor of guarantee decent pensions.

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