Zacatecas closes 2023 as the year with the most missing people – El Sol de México

2023 will conclude as the year with more missing and unlocated people in the history of the state of Zacatecas.

From January 1 to December 27, 1,160 people were reported missing or missing, of which only 385 have been found. 775 are pending location, according to data from the National Search Commission (CNB).

The above exceeds the balance of 1,125 disappearancesnon-locations and locations of 2021, which was considered the year with the highest incidence since the beginning of the registry in 1961. Of the 2021 cases, 654 people still do not appear.

Of the 62 years covered by the National Registry of Missing and Unlocated Persons (RNPDNO) of the CNB, the whereabouts of 3,766 people are still unknown; 2,184 are in “disappeared” condition and 1,580 are “not located”.

It should be noted that the federal government has not disclosed variations in the historical record of Zacatecas, derived from the new update census. According to information presented this December 27 at the conference of the President, Andrés Manuel López Obradorof the 110,964 missing people nationwide16,681 are located and 17,843 are located, but not located.

Data on missing persons in 2023

Of the cases reported since January 2023, a total of 508 correspond to missing people which, according to the protocols, are those “of whom their relatives do not know their whereabouts and it is presumed that their absence is related to the commission of a crime.”

They add up 267 “not located” people this year “whose location is unknown” without any elements indicating that they were plagiarized or that they are related to the commission of any other crime.

According to the same data source, of the 385 people located49 were found dead, representing 12.7 percent.

Of the 775 people who remain unaccounted for, 85.4 percent are men and 14.5 percent are women.

Besides, 91 missing and not located are minorsof which 60 are male and 31 are female sex.

The municipality with the most cases of people who have not been found this year is Fresnillo with 239 people, followed by Guadalupe with 84, Zacatecas with 57 and Jerez with 37.

This year it has been reported disappearance of 25 people originating from other countries, of which 15 (60%) remain unfound.

Published in The Sun of Zacatecas

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