“Fuerza Rosa” will be deployed to volunteers on cruise ships to promote Xóchitl Gálvez – El Sol de México

The so-called Pink Force, made up of 600 civil society organizations, will deploy volunteers on cruise ships in the 32 states of the Republic starting November 20 to promote Xóchitl Gálvez, candidate of the Frente Amplio por México for the presidency, Guadalupe reported. Acosta Naranjo, member of the National Civic Front.

In an interview with El Sol de México, Acosta Naranjo specified that in Mexico City alone there will be volunteers from the Pink Force handing out flyers and deploying tarps in 120 high-flow intersections in the capital, while in the other states they are still registering. volunteers and still do not have a preliminary figure.

“We are going to do many activities in what is called the first national propaganda day of the Pink Force (…) We are preparing a very large number, because they are already reporting it to us, of people who will be on cruise ships to paste stickers , to distribute flyers, of caravans of vehicles, of people who will walk through the streets with sound devices, put up tarps and activate networks,” he said.

He highlighted that the activities will be additional to those of the parties that make up the Broad Front for Mexico (PRI, PAN and PRD) and assured that they will also promote the candidates for the nine governorships defined by the Front.

Guadalupe Acosta said that the organizational work to strengthen the Fuerza Rosa continues and after assemblies in 30 states they have managed to add 600 civil society organizations to promote the candidacy of Xóchitl Gálvez.

He indicated that by February 5 they hope to have at least 100,000 volunteers, whose mission, he explained, will be to convince 10 people to join Xóchitl Gálvez.

By May 2024, Naranjo Acosta said that they hope there will be half a million members of the Pink Force who will help Xóchitl Gálvez add more votes.

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