Two cards, two endings – El Sol de México

Last week there were two letters that went unnoticed by most of the media, but that represent the end of two eras. On the one hand, a letter from Javier Corral to the PAN, in which he renounces his militancy after 41 years; but above all, it issues a death certificate to the coherent, ideological and combative PANism that for several years was a political force that shaped power.

The second letter is a statement from the EZLN, with which Subcommander Moisés, Marcos’ successor, announced the disappearance of its civil structure in the Zapatista Rebel Autonomous Municipalities and the Good Government Juntas. Both poles of political geography close cycles.

Zapatismo must be recognized as the first reaction against neoliberalism, when in January 1994 they launched the First Declaration of the Lacandona Jungle, the same day that the North American Free Trade Agreement came into force during the government of Salinas, questioning the promises of modernity for a freer and more democratic country. But they made an important mistake: not approaching a left-wing government with which they could continue advancing in the fight for rights in Chiapas. Almost 30 years after the guerrilla uprising, disputes between political and criminal groups in the region have forced the Zapatista organization to retreat and look for a new structure to maintain its autonomy.

On the other side is the PAN, which surrendered to economic interests and exchanged its birthright for a plate of lentils. In his letter, the former governor of Chihuahua remembers the old PAN members of Ciudad Juárez, whose example of moral congruence and love for Mexico inspired him to fight against injustice, corruption and simulation, recognizing that that PAN no longer exists and that it is Just a memory, since lies and hypocrisy have become entrenched thanks to the mediocrity and cynicism of its current leaders, whose agenda only contemplates the defense of their own interests. There will be those who say that I am exaggerating about the PAN, but, except for Kuri in Querétaro and Vila in Yucatán, what respectable figures do they have left?

These two texts recognize a reality that is the great political change in the country. On the one hand, the Zapatista Army sees its demand against neoliberalism, racism and classism materialized by the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but did not want to be part of this project. And on the other hand, a PAN that betrayed its heritage and its essence by breaking away from its ideological base, and not only that, it went to join forces with the historical adversary that gave it its reason for being, the PRI.

What would Gómez Morín, Manuel Clouthier, Reyes Heroles and other historical figures think of seeing them walking down the street naked, unashamed, naked of any ideological principle, showing their moral and intellectual shortcomings and poverty to the PRI and the PAN? Only united by ambition and survival, but above all, devoid of any patriotism. These two texts contribute as powerful arguments to an important conclusion: only through the Fourth Transformation can true change be achieved for a more just and prosperous country.


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