a video of the singer with another woman would be proof

A recent love scandal involves the singer Hassan Emilio Kabande Laija or better known as Featherweight and who until recently was his girlfriend, Nicki Nicole. Through a video that has been leaked and disseminated on different social networks, it is stated that the singer would have been seen with another woman holding hands, a fact that for his fans is a clear infidelity towards the also 23-year-old model.

The Aztec was captured by the cameras of a young man who was recording the singer, who was walking next to a woman holding her hands, in a hotel in Las Vegas.

Although the Featherweight security team did everything possible to prevent the young man from recording, it was too late, as it can be seen when the singer is walking with this mysterious womanwhile sharing some looks and very romantic gestures.

Quickly, fans who follow that couple entered the profile of the Argentine singer, Nicki Nicole, and were able to see that she had deleted all the photographs she had with him. So far, neither of the two involved has given a statement in this regard, taking into account that days ago they showed themselves very much in love and with clear signs of their love when they attended the Grammy Awards.

You can see the leaked video with the alleged infidelity below and thus draw your own conclusions about what happened:

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