Andy Cohen apologizes to Kate Middleton after spreading rumors before her cancer announcement

On April 1, in the middle of the broadcast of his program SiriusXMthe renowned presenter Andy Cohen publicly regretted having spread rumors about Kate Middleton ahead of his announcement of his recent cancer announcement. “I just want to say that I am baffled by the Princess Kate news“said the presenter on his program.

At the same time, he added: “I think someone from Sky News called me ‘dumb’ in the past while I was gossiping with them about Kate, and the truth is they were right.“. These statements come after the Princess of Wales appeared in a video where she revealed to all of her followers that she has cancer and that she is starting chemotherapy treatments.

After Kate Middleton’s operation last January, Andy Cohen was one of those who promoted conspiracy theories about the princess and her absence from royal duties. At that time, the presenter assured during the episode that he ‘Daddy Diaries Podcast‘ the next: “Everything seems to come back to Rose Hanbury with whom the prince has had an affair“.

The famous presenter’s theory was that the prince william He had had an affair with Rose, thus harming the Princess of Wales, who had decided to stay away from the public eye in the face of this great humiliation. But upon seeing that her theory was false, she stated that she would have preferred ‘Please remain silent‘ and said: “We are all praying for Princess Kate and King Charles for their recovery“.

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