Camilla Parker’s wink to her mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth II, on Easter Day

The monarch of the United Kingdom, Camilla Parkerlast Easter Sunday, which was the day that King Charles III made his most important public appearance since he learned of his cancer diagnosis, provided what would be an emotional tribute to the deceased Queen isabel IImother of the current king.

The queen wore some brooches on her clothes, which, experts say, belonged to her late mother-in-law.

The Royal, which to this day has become one of the most important members of the monarchy, due to the absence of the king charles and of Kate Middleton of royal duties, she arrived very animated to the Service that was held on Easter Day, without forgetting to show the cameras and assistants the jewelry that she was wearing in her coat and that attracted attention.

According to Joe Little of Majesty Magazinethese accessories belonged to her late mother-in-law and would have been used in order to wink at her or remember her on the day of celebration.

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