Does Princess Leonor doubt that Felipe VI is her father? Seek professional help after Queen Letizia’s infidelity scandal

Rumors of infidelity between kings of Spain They also affect the princess Eleanorsince there has even been discussion about the possibility that she is not the daughter of king philip SAW. However, the young heir to the throne has sought professional help in the midst of this embarrassing situation that has severely damaged the image of the queen Letizia.

Although many do not know it, rumors of separation between Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI have been present for more than a decade. They have been different scenarios but the current rumor of Jaime Burgin reality it was already a topic that was known within Operetta.

As expected, all members of the crown They manage to find out, social networks help these types of scandals become more public and with it, greater exposure of the controversy. Thus, the princess of Asturias was faced with the terrible scenario that pointed out her mother as an alleged unfaithful and calculating woman.

As could be expected after such controversy that besieges Letizia, some media and portals from both Spain As from other parts of the world, they began to spread other rumors associated with the subject. One of them, ensuring that one of the couple’s two daughters were not Felipe’s. However, this has never been true, since in Zarzuela there have been no alleged dna tests for parental doubts.

The portals ‘Caras’ and ‘El Nacional de Cataluña’ had reported this rumor, but until now, there is no 100% reliable source to ratify that alleged event that would have occurred in the Home Real.

At the same time, despite the statements that Jaime del Burgo has been doing for three weeks, there is also no way to confirm whether he and the Queen Letizia They had an affair. However, there are books, statements and some evidence that show that there could have been something between them.

Other statements from the Spanish press suggest that what the Princess Eleanor, is to seek professional help to get through the bad moment that affects your parents’ marriage. She is the heir to the throne, so there is a great weight on her shoulders that compromises everything that happens inside and outside. Operetta.

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